The second set from the Mumbai Se segment of the evening kicked off with designer Ekta Singh's Fall line-up. Inspired by pure glamour, the collection utilised silk chiffon, georgette and net to create a line of luxurious eveningwear. Highlights included a black bustier with intricate silver embroidery paired with a tulle-layered skirt, held together by a Swarovski-studded belt; a long dress in plissé black; a jalabiya-inspired outfit in a captivating purple and the showstopper that was a dual-shaded dress in purple and red worn with an elaborate tiered neckpiece of green beads.
Meher and Ridhima's collection, emphasized on the versatility of their label. The collection was inspired from the fun, laid-back styles of the 60s as well as Paco Rabonne's usage of geometric patterns. Outfits in burgundy and wine followed peach dresses embellished with pearl. Maxi-dresses in turquoise were held up with silk bands. A short black gown with a layered pink tulle underlay was accompanied by a loose jacket-cape held together with pink and purple rings. The cocktail dresses, tunics and gowns in georgette and chiffon were designed for the discerning globalista.
Meanwhile, Mumbai Se announced plans to evolve into a pan-Asian commune that allows Asian elite to come together to celebrate tradition and artistic expression.
images belongs to F:For Fashion